
Hola!  Welcome to the Print Shop...

After years of traveling and shooting and hearing so often requests for print purchases, the Print Shop was born.  It’s an offering that mirrors my work life of photography, yet encompasses my personal life of seeing beauty from all corners of the world + everywhere in between. 

I’ve heard it said ‘travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer,’ and that feels about right.  It’s in traveling that I’m taken outside of myself, out of the routines and comforts I know to be true.  My mind is forced open and I am generally at the mercy of anyone who can tell me where I can find the best coffee.

In seeing these magnificent places I’m reminded there is far more to life than what meets the eye.  My hope is these images do not serve as a consumer purchase, but rather a gateway to an entirely different world.  And when they are hung, it’s my hope that in that home or room, wonder can be found with each new glance.